Archive for the ‘Family’ Category

Yesterday at the ballgame, Mom gave me a copy of an article Dad wrote in 1987 about the then-nascent idea processor category. He didn’t mention that his sons (Peter and I) had written the programs he was writing about. Dad loved outliners, and it was a thrill to know this and at times a little […]

I was just searching for the Money Magazine article he wrote, and came across his Wikipedia profile.

One Year


It has been one year (Oct 3rd, 2009) since Leon died. But his presence is with me all the time. Brian Weiss suggests that when one passes the soul seeks another person to inhabit, usually an about to be born baby. Well Maria, my next door neighbor had a grandchild about a month after Leon […]

This article appeared in a Pace University magazine shortly after Dad started teaching there. Click on the image above to read the article.

It’s now been a few months since Dad died, but there isn’t an hour that my thoughts don’t turn to him, and then quickly turn away. I don’t know how to deal with a death so close. Every once in a while a picture pops up and I spend a moment thinking about my father […]

This is cross-posted from Scripting News, written by Dave. There’s a meme going around about fathers and the coolest things they did when you were growing up. Since Father’s Day on October 3, I guess I’ve been reflecting on this stuff more than usual, and I have a story prepared. But first, my father actually […]

Leon’s jacket


Mom posted this on her blog. “Many years ago Leon acquired an outer LLBean jacket the he liked very much. So much that he wore it every chance he could. In the neighborhood, in the city, on vacations and even skiing even though he had a proper ski outfit. After a while I was finding […]

Taken on 6/21/06.  

Leon with a huge cup of coffee and pie, after a long day of hiking with Eve in the Swiss Alps.

1982 Japan


1980 Africa: Doing laundry in a river Downtown Manhattan Downtown Manhattan Visit to the Cloisters Visit to the Cloisters Visit to the Cloisters Visit to the Cloisters Visit to the Cloisters Boatride around Manhattan Boatride around Manhattan Boatride around Manhattan Boatride around Manhattan Boatride around Manhattan Boatride around Manhattan Boatride around Manhattan My first fisheye […]